Has your Asana organization turned into a chaotic mess?  


This program is designed to help practices gain insights into their Asana usage and identify opportunities for improvement.



Here's how Everbloom's Asana Audit works:

Pre-Audit Questionnaire:
Before the audit starts, you will receive a questionnaire to gather information about current Asana usage, goals and pain points, and desired outcomes.

Audit Process:
Cassie will then thoroughly audit your practice's Asana Organization, evaluating aspects like organization configuration, task management, communication, collaboration, project inefficiencies, automation utilization, and integrations. 

Post-Audit Zoom Meeting:
Cassie will conduct a Zoom meeting with the practice to present her findings in detail and make recommendations for improvement.



Set up your ASANA the right way!

Join Asana pro-Cassie Kellner in an exciting FREE webinar. Let her guide you through the art of setting up your Asana organization the right way from the start!